Some of the main reasons to hair feel sticky after washing it

Posted on May 6, 2019

Some of the people wash their hair quickly and improperly. This makes them feel greasy hair after washing. There are various reasons found to cause greasy hair. If you feel your hair remains oily and after get dried, then try to use the non-toxic shampoos.

Main reasons for greasy hair

The greasy hair problem is very difficult to find the solution. So the recommended way is to visit the hair expert to solve this problem. Many factors cause a greasy feel to the hair. Some of the basic reasons for the greasy hair problem are given below.

  • Maybe the shampoo is too hard
  • The regular use shampoo may have the wrong oil in it
  • Don’t use any mud mask on your hair
  • The inside imbalance may also make the hair feels waxy.
  • The conditioner may not be suitable for your hair.

While washing your hair, you should avoid some of the things. They are:

  • Don’t comb wrongly: Most of the people comb the hair wrong. This may lead to cause the greasy issues.
  • Wash completely using normal water: Some of the people no properly wash their shampoos. This causes the dust deposit on the hair and causes greasy and oily feel.
  • Avoid using hard water: Some of the hair experts says that the hot water affects the roots of the hair and make them dry. So try to avoid hot water and use only cold water. The hot water may cause heat to the head and hair which leads to dry the hair and cause damages.
  • Consider your hair type: The major mistake done by all is not considering their hair type while choosing the shampoo. First, analyze your hair type and choose suitable shampoos and conditioners. The unsuitable conditioners may cause the waxy and greasy feel to the hair.
  • Apply suitable hair shampoo: Follow the proper way of applying the shampoo to the hair and rinse it properly. This helps to get fresh and shining hair.

hair feel sticky

If you feel your hair looks waxy even after washing the shampoo, you have to wash it again to remove the wax. Try to use natural ways or moisturizing shampoo is the best solutions for hair greasy right after wash it. Follow these simple ways to solve your hair problems and have healthy hair.